This is a selection of references from some of our clients. We would like to thank you for the positive feedback!
Rated five stars at anwalt.de, one of Germany’s leading lawyer referral website.
(109 reviews as of Nov 1st, 2020)
Smooth, Fast and Friendly
“As architects and urban planners, we serve the most iconic developers in the Middle East. During our expansion to Europe, Boris Zimmermann and his law firm provided all the support we needed to set up a stable company foundation in Germany. Working with him was smooth, fast and friendly on both the personal & professional level, and we are happy to have found a partner whom we can trust with the next steps of the development of our company.”
— Mohamed Raouf, MBA, Executive Director MENA Region, SUMIZURA
Capacidad de conectarse con la gente y anticiparse a las necesidades
“As a Mexican-American company we rely on Made-in-Germany products and decided to expand our business to Europe. Due to the ideal location and infrastructure of Frankfurt within Europe, we choose to set up a company in Frankfurt and thus we needed a one shop solution. After a thorough consultation, Boris helped us to navigate the whole process and provided support on all issues around setting up the GmbH as well as the right of residence, tax, insurance etc. Boris is not just an experienced lawyer. We found the biggest value add to be his ability to connect with people and to anticipate needs even before they became obvious.”
— Camilo Correa, Founder, ReefXplorer
«Somos una compañía mexicano-estadounidense que cuenta con productos hechos en Alemania, así que decidimos expandir nuestro negocio en Europa. Debido a la excelente ubicación e infraestructura de Fráncfort dentro de Europa, decidimos abrir una empresa en Fráncfort y por lo tanto necesitábamos una solución integral. Después de una consulta exhaustiva, Boris nos orientó a lo largo de todo el proceso y nos fue de ayuda en todos los temas relacionados con la apertura de una empresa GmbH, así como el derecho de residencia, impuestos, seguros, etc. Boris no solo es un abogado experimentado. Nos dimos cuenta de que su mayor talento es la capacidad de conectarse con la gente y anticiparse a las necesidades incluso antes de que se hagan evidentes.»
— Camilo Correa, fundador, ReefXplorer
「我们公司立足中国,与中国和德国法兰克福的科研和高等教育顶级机构紧密合作。我们积极参与跨地区合作和联合研究项目。为了扩大我们在德国的影响力,我们决定在法兰克福设立公司。为了落实这一决策,我们需要让主管人员和他的家人迁往法兰克福。与 Zimmermann 先生密切磋商之后,我们达成了一份适当的合约,为我们赴德国之行安排好商务议程,确保我们与合适的利益相关者会见。我们很感谢 Zimmermann 先生,通过他的广阔网络,会议进行得非常顺利流畅。他还针对有关移民和迁居的问题给予了切实可行的建议(入学、房产、保险等)。Zimmermann 先生作为顾问一直都是有求必应,深受信任,拥有丰富的知识。我们赞赏他坦率、诚恳、及时的沟通和他提供一站式服务的能力。」
“Our China based company works closely with top tier institutions in the research and higher educational sectors located both in China and Germany. We actively engage in collaboration and joint research projects across locations. In order to create a greater presence in Germany, we decided to set up a company in Frankfurt am Main. Following on this decision, we will need to relocate the director and his family to Frankfurt. Intensive consultation with Mr. Zimmermann resulted in the completion of an appropriate contract, the setting up of a business agenda for our trip to Germany which ensured that we met appropriate stakeholders. We appreciated that the proceedings went as smoothly and seamless as possible based on Mr. Zimmermann’s extensive network. He also gave practical recommendations around immigration and relocation topics (schools, real estate, insurances, etc.). Mr. Zimmermann has always been a responsive and a trusted advisor with a wealth of knowledge. We appreciate his open, honest and timely communication as well as his one-stop shop service delivery.”
— Wensheng Luo, CEO, TopView Consulting & Trading Ltd.
A Source of Trust
ZIMMERMANN has been a source of trust for our businesses in Saudi Arabia for a long time. I am thankful at the breadth of knowledge and experience that Mr. Zimmermann has shown while working with us. He helped us in setting up a limited liability company (GmbH) in Germany and guided us through all the bureaucratic hoops. Also, his business network in Germany was very helpful for us in order to find valuable contacts in Europe. He is continually helping us build vendor contacts between Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Germany.
In addition to this, he is one of the few foreigners whom I’ve met who really understand the spirit of the Arabic people. I can highly recommend him!
— Ibrahim Suleiman
Wertvolle Unterstützung
„Die Kanzlei Boris Zimmermann leistete wertvolle Unterstützung bei der Gründung unseres Unternehmens. Wir bauen auf die Erfahrung von Rechtsanwalt Zimmermann bei der Beratung im Vertragsrecht und Verhandlungen mit unseren Geschäftspartnern im In- und Ausland, insbesondere in der MENA-Region.“
— Dr. Florian Alfen, Wirbelsäulenspezialist, Dr. Alfen Health Consulting und Praxis Dr. med. Florian Alfen
Invaluable Help
بناءً على توصية شريكٍ تجاريٍّ فقد قمنا بتعيين السيد “زيمرمان” لمساعدتنا في تأسيس شركةٍ جديدةٍ في مملكة البحرين ذات علاقةٍ وثيقة مع ألمانيا. وقد قدّم لنا استشاراتٍ قانونيةً استراتيجيةً حول دخول السوق في منطقة الخليج وعمل مستشارًا قانونيًّا أثناء تأسيس الشركة. علاوةً على ذلك فقد كان لنا السيد “زيمرمان” عونًا لا يقدر بثمن في العثور على الموردين في ألمانيا ووضع العقود التجارية. وإننا نوصي بمكتبه للمحاماة بشدةٍ لأي رجال أعمال في حاجةٍ إلى مستشارٍ جديرٍ بالثقة والاعتماد.
Based on a business partner’s recommendation, we hired Mr. Zimmermann to help us set up a new company in the Kingdom of Bahrain with close ties to Germany. He provided strategic legal advice on market entry and acted as legal counsel during company formation. Also, Mr. Zimmermann was of invaluable help in finding suppliers in Germany and drawing up trade contracts. We highly recommend his law firm to any businesspeople who are in need of a trustworthy and reliable advisor.
— CEO, Eight Stars for You Global Trading Co. W. L. L.
راض جدا!
نحن شركة إنشاءات نقوم بتنفيذ وتسليم مشاريع مبتكرة و مميزة و بأعلى درجات الجودة .
بطبيعة الحال ، فإن قيمة المشاريع في مجالنا هذا مرتفعة للغاية مما يخلق امكانية حدوث خسائر مادية في حال وجود مشاكل مع الموردين , و انطلاقا من ذلك توجهنا الى ZIMMERMANN ليكون مستشارنا القانوني للتأكد من أن العقود المبرمة مع موردينا الأوروبيين و كذلك مع عملائنا صحيحة و نافذة قانونيا. من خلال تجربتنا هذه فإننا راضون تمام الرضى عن أداء السيد Zimmermann و نوصي به ليكون مستشارا قانونيا لمشاريعكم المستقبلية.
We are a construction company that executes and delivers innovative, unique projects of highest quality. Naturally, projects in this line of business are very highly-priced, and thus there can be a great loss if there are problems with vendors. Therefore, ZIMMERMANN became our legal consultant to ensure that contracts with our European vendors and customers are correct and enforced. We are very satisfied with Mr. Zimmermann’s work and would recommend him any time.
— Bilal Abo Rikab, Saudi Green Contracting, Jeddah, KSA
Vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit
„In jahrelanger und vertrauensvoller Zusammenarbeit unterstützt uns die Kanzlei Boris Zimmermann bei der Prüfung von Verträgen und berät uns vor und während Vertragsverhandlungen.“
— Edgar Itt, Olympiamedaillengewinner und Keynote-Speaker
Public Institutions
- Kuwait Health Office (General Consulate of Kuwait), Frankfurt am Main
Trade and Service
- OSRA AL ARABIA Trading Corporation, Kuwait City, Kuwait
- OSRA AL ARABIA Spare Parts Est., Kuwait City, Kuwait
- Arabian Family Translation Center, Kuwait City, Kuwait
- Global Gate for Hotels & SPA, Kuwait City, Kuwait
- Saudi Green Contracting, Jeddah, KSA
- Beate Machner e. K., Buchhführungsservice, Dreieich
- Dazzle Textil Im- und Export, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
- ERT GmbH, Darmstadt und Yantai City, China
- European Accessories Trading LLC, Dubai, VAE
- Fashion Point e.K., Textil-Großhandel, Dreieich
- Agentur Gil, Oberursel
- Ledmeon, LED-Vertrieb, Frankfurt
- Locotravel, Reise- u. Eventagentur, Darmstadt
- Londotour, Douala, Kamerun
- HQD Sales & Marketing Services International S.a.r.l., Zürich
- HQD Sales & Marketing Services International GmbH, Frankfurt
- Jungels Feuerschutz und Sicherheit, Eppstein
- M’rod malaika group, Modeschmuckhandel, Douala, Kamerun
- Realty Invest Martin Buelow, Florida / Berlin
- Sahdia Enterprises GmbH, Modeschmuck-Großhandel, Frankfurt
- Scarlet Bijoux, Modeschmuck-Großhandel, Frankfurt
- Sportschule Rings of Glory, Landgraaf, Holland
- Soundburg, Würzburg Soundburg, Würzburg
Doctors and Medical Services
- Health Consulting Dr. Alfen, innovative Konzepte für Unternehmen und medizinische Einrichtungen e. K., Würzburg
- Praxis Dr. Florian Alfen, Spezialist für Wirbelsäulen, Würzburg
- Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Sanath Pathirana, Köln-Dellbrück
- Praxis Dr. Ansgar Schultheis, Allgemeinmedizin, Bad Vilbel
- Praxis Dr. Samiri, Internist u. Allergologe, Frankfurt
Education and Training
- 4-A SIDE Consulting GmbH, Braunschweig und Arcos de la Frontera, Spanien
- Airnet Technologie- und Bildungszentrum GmbH, Bad Homburg
- Edgar Itt Group, Coaching for Leadership, Frankfurt
- Iweanya Mordi-Kotto Coaching, Luxembourg