Competence in Commercial Law

Competence in Commercial Law

We re­p­re­sent com­pa­nies and in­di­vi­du­als in mat­ters of com­mer­ci­al law, con­tract law, dun­ning and debt clearan­ce. A spe­cial fo­cus is on in­ter­na­tio­nal re­la­ti­ons: We as­sist cli­ents from Ger­ma­ny in star­ting busi­ness ab­road and cli­ents from ab­road in all busi­ness ac­tivi­ties in Ger­ma­ny.


International Desk

We advise international clients, especially from the MENA region as well as China, Thailand and Nigeria:

Wertvolle Unterstützung

Wir bau­en auf die Er­fah­rung von Rechts­an­walt Zim­mer­mann bei Ver­hand­lun­gen mit un­se­ren Ge­schäfts­part­nern im In- und Aus­land, ins­be­son­de­re in der MENA-Region.


我们很感谢 Zim­mer­mann 先生,通过他的广阔网络,会议进行得非常顺利流畅。

مصدر الثقة

أنا ممتن لمجموعة المعرفة والخبرة التي أظهرها السيد زيمرمان أثناء العمل معنا.

Smooth, Fast and Friendly

As architects and urban planners, we serve the most iconic developers in the Middle East. During our expansion to Europe, Boris Zimmermann and his law firm provided all the support we needed to set up a stable company foundation in Germany.

Ver­trau­ens­vol­le Zu­sam­men­ar­beit

In jah­re­lan­ger und ver­trau­ens­vol­ler Zu­sam­men­ar­beit un­ter­stützt uns die Kanz­lei Bo­ris Zim­mer­mann bei der Prü­fung von Ver­trä­gen und be­rät uns vor und wäh­rend Ver­trags­ver­hand­lun­gen.

Invaluable Help

Mr. Zimmermann was of invaluable help in finding suppliers in Germany and drawing up trade contracts.