Rechtsanwalt Boris Zimmermann

「我们公司立足中国,与中国和德国法兰克福的科研和高等教育顶级机构紧密合作。我们积极参与跨地区合作和联合研究项目。为了扩大我们在德国的影响力,我们决定在法兰克福设立公司。为了落实这一决策,我们需要让主管人员和他的家人迁往法兰克福。与 Zim­mer­mann 先生密切磋商之后,我们达成了一份适当的合约,为我们赴德国之行安排好商务议程,确保我们与合适的利益相关者会见。我们很感谢 Zim­mer­mann 先生,通过他的广阔网络,会议进行得非常顺利流畅。他还针对有关移民和迁居的问题给予了切实可行的建议(入学、房产、保险等)。Zimmermann 先生作为顾问一直都是有求必应,深受信任,拥有丰富的知识。我们赞赏他坦率、诚恳、及时的沟通和他提供一站式服务的能力。」

“Our Chi­na ba­sed com­pa­ny works clo­se­ly with top tier in­sti­tu­ti­ons in the re­se­arch and hig­her edu­ca­tio­nal sec­tors lo­ca­ted both in Chi­na and Ger­ma­ny. We ac­tively en­ga­ge in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and joint re­se­arch pro­jects across lo­ca­ti­ons. In or­der to crea­te a grea­ter pre­sence in Ger­ma­ny, we de­ci­ded to set up a com­pa­ny in Frank­furt am Main. Fol­lo­wing on this de­ci­si­on, we will need to re­lo­ca­te the di­rec­tor and his fa­mi­ly to Frank­furt. In­ten­si­ve con­sul­ta­ti­on with Mr. Zim­mer­mann re­sul­ted in the com­ple­ti­on of an ap­pro­pria­te con­tract, the set­ting up of a busi­ness agen­da for our trip to Ger­ma­ny which en­su­red that we met ap­pro­pria­te sta­ke­hol­ders. We appre­cia­ted that the pro­cee­dings went as smooth­ly and seam­less as pos­si­ble ba­sed on Mr. Zimmermann’s ex­ten­si­ve net­work. He al­so ga­ve prac­tical re­com­men­da­ti­ons around im­mi­gra­ti­on and re­lo­ca­ti­on to­pics (schools, re­al es­ta­te, insuran­ces, etc.). Mr. Zim­mer­mann has al­ways be­en a re­spon­si­ve and a trusted ad­vi­sor with a wealth of know­ledge. We appre­cia­te his open, ho­nest and time­ly com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on as well as his one-stop shop ser­vice de­li­very.”

— Wens­heng Luo, CEO, Top­View Con­sul­ting & Tra­ding Ltd.