Rechtsanwalt Boris Zimmermann

Grow Your Business in Germany and get a German passport: click here.

Germany, as the largest economy in the European Union, is a technologically highly advanced country. It is the second in the world as an exporter of goods which are purchased all over the world. German engineering (especially machinery and lectronic goods) is very much in demand thus making Germany a prosperous economy. It is also currently ranked second in imports worldwide. Those who contemplate immigrating to Germany will definitely have many opportunities to excel in their respective professions.

Those who plan to migrate to Germany do so as they are attracted by its high standard of living and advanced economy. The law system is strong and judicial trials are usually dealt with quickly; bailiffs implement the judgements effectively. For the sick and the elderly, Germany offers a comprehensive social security system.

1. One of the strongest and safest countries in the World

Germany takes first place in several rankings, e. g. based on factors like Germany’s social market economy, its import and export strength, its highly skilled and affluent workforce, cultural heritage and its many influential people, among them Ludwig van Beethoven, Immanuel Kant, Albert Einstein, Johann Sebastian Bach, Nicolaus Copernicus, Martin Luther, Georg Händel, Alois Alzheimer, Richard Wagner, Johannes Gutenberg, etc.

2. Economic Power and Innovation

One of Germany’s most prominent claims to fame is its focus on innovation. Germany has a labor force which is highly qualified and works in a very challenging environment. Those planning to migrate can expect to work in a very professional atmosphere. Job opportunities are plenty and one to choose a profession that suits their qualification and experience.

Germany is the largest economy in all of Europe. It is ‘carrying’ the European Union states. The German economy, irrespective of financial and political crises, always managed to bounce back and reestablish itself as a world market leader much faster than any other countries seem able to manage. Germany has, for instance, loaned fellow EU state, Greece, more than €56 billion to date to help the country recover from its own financial crisis.

The country’s economic strength has been attributed to its focus on a balanced ‘portfolio’ so to speak. As an example the green technology industry in Germany consists of material efficiency, sustainable mobility, waste management; a water management system which is sustainable one can expect varied employment in this sector. The mining industry has much to offer as there are many natural resources such as coal, potash ore, lignite, timber, copper, natural gas, nickel salt, water, arable land etc. The transport industry is also well established in Germany. Germany has a strong automotive industry despite the diesel scandals. The Germans, starting with Karl Benz, have simply had more practice at making cars than the rest of the world. Brands like BMW, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and Audi are famous worldwide. All branches have many jobs to offer.

Essentially, Germany does not simply focus on one sector, but places an equal onus on all sectors. We have a strong export sector, low unemployment, strong housing and manufacturing sectors, a balanced budget, and strong social welfare which encourages more people to work than simply collecting welfare.

3. Protection: Germanys Labour Law, Medical Care, Education

Germany is really good at respecting its citizens, and if you have the opportunity to work there, you should go for it. Technological progress and achievement make it convenient to get hold of jobs both in the skilled as well as unskilled sector. Those who are professionally qualified such as engineers, doctors etc. can seriously think of immigration to Germany.

Germany is an employment-oriented economy. Germans work fewer hours than both UK and US citizens, and their unemployment rate is lower. You even get a minimum of 30 days of vacation time. In case you do get laid off, you’re usually entitled to a compensation payment. If women decide to start a family, they will be granted 14 weeks of maternity leave at 100% pay. Men also have paternity rights.

Germany has one of the best medical care systems in the world, and it is actually required by law to have health insurance, even for those that are unemployed or unable to work. Many countries arrange for their citiziens to get medical treatment in Germany (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Katar etc.)

Also, German citizens have access to one of the best education in the world as German universities and educational institutions believe in all-round personality development of the student and often offer international exchange programs.

4. Climate, Culture, Landscapes, Social Life

Germany has an agreeable climate as winters are mild and summers are cool: An ideal atmosphere for tourists. The country also has a rich cultural heritage that attracts many tourists. It has more cultural activities and destinations than many other countries, with a large quantity of museums, theatres, professional orchestras and libraries. Since a few years, free public bookshelves are available all over the country.

Nature has splendid manifestations such as glaciers, several popular national parks. Germans are huge adventure travellers, and they take advantage of the great outdoors whenever they can. Many cities have beautifully planned bicycle path networks. The Bavarian Alps are rugged and beautiful and easily accessible to all. You find hiking trails there, as well as in the Harz and in the Black Forest. Germany’s North Sea islands have beaches and dune sands, and you’ll find many vacation homes here.

There’s a reliable public transport which makes it easy to get out and explore the city, the country, as well as the neighbouring countries and all Europe. Frankfurt am Main hosts one of the biggest international airports in Europe. Cities like Berlin, Hamburg and Munich attract people from all around the world. Munich has a surprising “quaint” feel to it, Frankfurt is known for its all-business attitude, Hamburg is considered to be the “gateway to the world.” Germany is full of beautiful smaller cities and villages, form Heidelberg to Neuharlingersiel.

There is literally a club for just about everything in Germany. For hobbyists, it’s incredibly easy to find like-minded people. Whether you’re into sports, cars, food, dancing, crafting, hiking, bowling, chess, boating, anmimals or singing, there’s a club for it. They’ re non-profit, usually, and very affordable to anyone. It’s a chance to hone your skills while seeking social engagement.

5. Public Infrastructure

Germany offers great reliable transport: public trains, subways, ferries, busses and private taxis, all types of rentals etc. Frankfurt hosts one of the biggest international aiports in Europe. Many people in Germany actually opt out of owning their own vehicle, because there’s simply no need.

6. Federal Government wants to recruit more skilled Workers

The grand coalition in Berlin wants to attract more skilled workers to Germany. With the Specialist Immigration Act, politicians want to create the framework for a targeted and increased recruitment of qualified specialists from third countries. The target group of this measure is people with a university degree or a qualified vocational training. In the area of qualified employment, for example, the priority examination will be abolished. The Federal Employment Agency has already opened a new central service point for the recognition of occupations in Bonn to guide foreigners through its recognition procedure.

7. One of the most powerful Passports in the World

Obtaining German citizenship means becoming a holder of one of the most powerful passports in the world with visa-free access to currently more than 177 countries.

8. German Communication: straight forward and efficient

Germans are often mistakenly called cold, but: they are simply direct. Germans don’t see the point in beating around the bush. Once you get used to the direct manner of conversing and discussing anything, you realise how much time is spared by this transparency and how much future disaster, confusion or misunderstandings are avoided by the mere practice of being open and honest about everything. It may take some getting used to, but it’s certainly useful in the end.

9. Made in Germany

Germany is first place in the field of engineering. The country’s success is ascribed to its educational system which is both scientifically strong, but encourages creative thinking – two attributes which are crucial for engineering success. For although good engineers must undoubtedly have their mathematics and scientific knowledge and application waxed, this knowledge would be relatively useful in such a competitive environment without the ability to think ahead, innovate in your stride and be a pioneer in your own right. Many German companies offer in-depth learnerships for job-seekers from across the world through three-year trainee programmes which offer them an income while they learn the ‘art of German engineering’.

In Germany, you are assured of quality and impeccable craftsmanship. In a time of globalisation it’s Germany’s claim to top standards and quality which is so great for both consumers and the German economy. Customers do not really need to worry about returning faulty products, as there are basically none. If there is a defective equipment or product, most companies in Germany will be ready to refund, without you even have to invoke the issue of legal warranty.

Grow Your Business in Germany and get a German passport: click here.